Mirchi Restaurant Gujranwala

mirchi Restaurant in Gujranwala

Gujranwala is famous for its delicious food. It is also famous as the City of Wrestlers. The city is 5th most populous city in Pakistan. It consist of numerous restaurants famous for their flavors. Mirchi Restaurant Gujranwala considers as one of them.

Mirchi Restaurant is a family-friendly establishment Locates in Gujranwala city . It offers a diverse range of dishes such as Pakistani, Chinese and Fast Food. Restaurant is Located in one of the city’s best area. It is famous for its comfortable atmosphere and friendly staff. This makes it a popular choice among locals and visitors.

Contact Number – Mirchi Restaurant Gujranwala

The contact number of Mirchi Family Restaurant is 0334 8803333.For any kind of detail you should consider this contact number to inquire the Inforamtion.

Contact Number : 0334 8803333


The Location of the Restaurant locates in the Gujranwala city at Billa Chowk of Block B in Satellite Town of Gujranwala. It presents in the Satellite town that is one of best society in the Gujranwala and also considers as a shopping bazar.

Location : 597 – B Billa Chowk of Block B in Satellite Town of Gujranwala.


Here we share the timing of the Restaurant.

Monday12pm – 12am
Tuesday 12pm – 12am
Wednesday12pm – 12am
Thursday12pm – 12am
Friday12pm – 12am
Saturday12pm – 12am
Sunday12pm – 2am

Menu – Mirchi Restaurant Gujranwala

Here we share the menu of Mirchi Restaurant. The menu includes the different type of cuisine such as Pakistani, Chinese and also the Fast Food.

Mirchi Restaurant Gujranwala menu
Mirchi Restaurant Appetizers menu
Fast Food menu
Chinese Rice Menu
steaks menu
Pakistani cuisine menu
Pakistani cuisine
B.B.Q Menu
Dessert menu


The restaurant provides special deals in addition to its regular menu offerings. It includes platters and various packages. These deals are budget-friendly and ideal for families dining together.

platter deal Gujranwala restaurant
Deal menu
Bhally Bhally Mirchi Restaurant deal


You can contact at below numbers to have food delivered to your doorstep. In addition to Food price, Delivery & Packaging Charges are also apply.

For order you can contact on these numbers.

055 3255838